Journal Club of the Urologic department of First Pavlov State Medical University Of St Petersburg under the leadership of Reva S.A. , head of department of Oncourology, invites You to weekly discussion and analysis of relevant articles on various topics with physicians and residents of Urology research center.

By collaborating with the team of Journal Club meetings broadcast live every Monday morning at 7:30 a.m. on the portal (, where You can take an active part by asking questions in real time.

Journal Club exists since September 2019.                                                                                    

Broadcast on the portal ( since 27.01.2020.

Discussed articles:

Bosniak classification for complex renal cysts re-evaluated - a systematic review


International Continence Society Good Urodynamic Practices and Terms 2016: Urodynamics, uroflowmetry, cystometry, and pressure-flow study

The role of urodynamics in the surgical management of benign prostatic obstruction

The role of urodynamics in the management of female stress urinary incontinence

The underestimated posterior lymphatic drainage of the prostate: An historical overview and preliminary anatomical study on cadaver

Digital Rectal Examination Remains a Key Prognostic Tool for Prostate Cancer: A National Cancer Database Review

Should all prostate needle biopsy Gleason score 4 + 4 = 8 prostate cancers be high risk? Implications for shared decision-making and patient counselling

Risk factors and reasons for reoperation after radical cystectomy

Novel treatment options in the management of metastatic castration-naı¨ve prostate cancer; which treatment modality to choose?

Direct Effects of Tadalafil on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms versus Indirect Effects Mediated through Erectile Dysfunction Symptom Improvement: Integrated Data Analyses from 4 Placebo Controlled Clinical Studies.

Journal Club schedule on March - April:  


The venue of the meeting:  Urology Research Center, Department of Oncourology №6 (oncourology and andrology), 54 building, 6 floor, resident's office.

Time: Every Mondey morning at 7:30 a.m.

We will be glad to see You, if you want to listen and / or take an active part in the Journal Club  meeting.